Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yippie Kai Yay, Puddy Tat!

Hey kids. Still doing that overtime thang (& scheduled on a day when I bloody well asked for it off. Scowling Sandy is scowling!), so this will prolly be spotty, but I felt like chatting. I shouldn't complain about the overtime, because mama needs a new laptop bag, a graphics tablet & well, CASH, lol. Ooh, speakina fundage I got my tix for KS, W00T! Very happy I got that out of the way, it was getting pricier by the day, hoboy....
I have a lot of different ideas all the time, which is like herding cats. It makes me talk to myself, stop & stare into space & do the *fingersnap/scrabble* for drawing pad/notepad in public ALL the time. Sometimes it gets a bit difficult because I want to do *everything* @ once. The fact that this planet @ this place & time doesn't have affordable/available resources for me to get a 2nd pair of arms grafted on is a daily annoyance I assure you. And the fact that the capitol of NH rolls up its streets @ 7pm & doesn't get cracking until @ least 10am.
Anyway. I have a lot I want to do, art-wise. However, I also have a PhD on getting in my own way. I am a HUGE internet junkie & often say that I would happily have a cranial jack so that I can be online continually. However the intarwebz is a huge time suck, so I have to make a concious decision to shut down pages like where I could stay until my eyeballs dry out. There's also a dating site I'm on, though gods know why, I've never found anyone that I had more than 1/2 a doz. emails with, even when they professed crushes & flung endearments @ me like scented lace hankies *epic eyeroll* men are another aggrivation, especially when they are so goddam yummy @ the same time *swoons from concomitance of male sexiness/obnoxiousness*.
So I need to make a schedule for myself, which is already wonky because I work 3rd shift weekends & one midweek 2nd shift (boo-hiss, 2nd shift is t3h f41l). But if I don't make myself a schedule & a project list & stick to it, things just won't get done, full stop.
On that note, I gotta go. I have to sketch story ideas & firm up charaters for The Nonesuch Papers, my anthro arcanepunk idea, a ripping serial of Cornelius Nonesuch, an unicorn thrown into a world of international adventure & intrigue, more info forthcoming!
Alternate Title: Get Along, Little Kittehz!

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