Thursday, August 20, 2009

Brief Bloggy Bits

I'm sorry I haven't been chatty lately. I have been rockin' the OT & had yesterday off for the 1st time in 2-3 wk. It's all a blur, really, a horrible, ugly blur. But I have started thinking about fall & what to knit to keep me toasty. I'm thinking leaning more towards the steampunk in my style, so neutrals/browns/cream.
I have a delicious idea for armwarmers that I would love to wear right now, except that it's not been below 85 in the past 2 gaddam weeks *faints from heat prostration & frustration*. I have some leftover yarn (by 'some' I mean 'a metric-ass ton of') in a soft bunny rabbit tan & some cream left over that I shall prolly cart along on the plane to KS to make the arm warmers with, pictures will ensue . Also contemplating new gaiters/legwarmers in the steampunk colorway.
DANCING with impatience to get the book on designing lace from the library that I asked for via interlibrary loan. I love the Concord Public Library, But I gotta say, their arts/crafts & scifi/fantasy is not really great. I wish people would actually think for themselves & buy what looks interesting not what famous people *kofoprahkof* tells them to read.
Gotta tweak the 1st installment of The Nonesuch Papers & get the drawings done, have them currently stored in my bwains & only changing one, because the angle wil be better & I won't have to crosshatch as many fuckin' stones on a fountain in one scene. Not that I don't enjoy it tremendously, actually. How do you spell OCD? LOL. But my wrist has been a twitching burning mess lately so I started wearing a wristwarmer again. Also having idea for illustration of The Child King by Abney Park. I shall throw that down this weekend....

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